Cutting EdgePredictive science for novel combustion phenomena
XPACC Job OpportunitiesAccepting applications for research scientists and postdocs

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Advancing a new mode of managing combustion, with the aim of making breakthroughs at the basic science level.

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Developing a framework that leverages parallelism and enables predictive simulations on exascale systems.

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Designing predictive simulations that integrate physics across a range of scales, advancing the science of plasma-coupled combustion.

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Conducting full scale jet-in-crossflow prediction target and physics-specific small-scale experiments.
Positions/Hiring A photograph of the Beckman Quad at Illinois

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We are actively seeking to fill research positions for PhD students, postdocs and research scientists to work in all technical areas within the XPACC, including physical modeling, large-scale simulation prediction, computer science and the development of tools for forthcoming exascale systems. XPACC provides an excellent opportunity for multidisciplinary collaboration with researches at both Illinois and NNSA labs. We are working at the cutting edge of predictive science to be enabled by exascale computing for an exciting new combustion technology.

  • Opportunities at XPACC